Welcome to The Bridge Family Church

Pastor Dave Avery and his wife Lisa, have been in ministry for over 26 years.

Pastoring and leading various ministries such as children’s, youth, young adults, singles, couples, men’s, women’s, Discipleship, missions trips,  and just about every other area of the church.  The Lord was obviously preparing them for what was next. 

When the Lord spoke to them, they clearly heard Him say, “GO NOW! Not just with big faith, but GO with HUGE FAITH”. 

He said, “Go and multiply MY Kingdom! So they left everything they knew  including their full time positions at a large church and all that was comfortable to pursue the call of God on their lives. 

Their love and passion for the Word of God and for people is evident in everything they do.

The Vision given to them for the Bridge is to simply see people connect to Jesus (He is the Bridge) and to one another as the body of Christ.  It is to see many get saved, healed and set free so they can live a life in freedom; free to fulfill their purpose.  Pastor Dave and Lisa have a heart to help send people out to help build the Kingdom of God.

Together, along with the team the Lord has brought together, they are more than excited to connect the Bridge to the Land O’Lakes area and beyond. 

Pastor Dave is an Ordained Pastor and Lisa is a Licensed minister. They have been married for 34 incredible years, have two wonderful adult children, and have been blessed with a wonderful son in law and daughter in law. They also have two amazing grand children whom they can’t get enough of.